Our Selected Flight Experiment

[content for this page was copied and pasted form the following blog post:
http://ssep.ncesse.org/2010/11/ssep-is-proud-to-announce-the-student-proposals-selected-for-spaceflight-on-sts-134/ your administrator can do the same for your community, and formatting and links will be preserved]

TITLE: Swimming Patterns and Development of Zebra Fish after Exposure to Microgravity

Grade 8, Esperanza Middle School

Co-Principal Investigators: Abisha Dowla, Noah Fletcher, Josh, Mulhern,
and Mirelle Patrey

Teacher Facilitator: Mrs. Lewis, 8th Grade Science Teacher

Proposal Summary:
As an experimental springboard for future food sources, we would like to test the development of fish in microgravity conditions. If there were developmental problems in the fish, we could then hypothesize that the microgravity conditions would not be a safe spawning environment for the fish. To test this, we would expose zebra fish (Danio rerio) embryos to microgravity and then justify our hypothesis based on the behavior and development of the hatched embryos. With this information we can infer and test multiple varieties of larger fish in the future as a means of food for the astronauts. We can also use the information gathered from the zebra fish to conclude whether or not microgravity conditions are an adequate environment for farming and developing fish.

[You might add more information about the experiment, e.g., put up the entire formal proposal; have photos of the winning team; and have the team write some blog posts about the experience, with a link in the posts to this page.]

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