Community Demographics

Avicenna Academy has invited all students in the larger faith-based community to participate with us in the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP).  In addition, we are collaborating with Lifelong Learning Cooperative, a home school co-op located in Anderson, Indiana bringing the total number of student participants to 270.  Ninety eight students, in fifth through twelfth grades will be participating in the experimental design portion of the competition.  All 270 students have been invited to participate by submitting a design for the Mission Patch, whose final design will be selected through a voting process. 

Fifty six percent of Avicenna Academy’s families have demonstrated a financial need warranting free or reduced tuition.  And an estimated 70% of Lifelong Learning Cooperative’s students would qualify for free or reduced lunches in a public school setting. 

The ethnic makeup of the participating student group is:

45% Arab/Middle Eastern

24% Caucasian (Non-Hispanic)

23% Asian

6% Mixed

1% African/African-American

1% Hispanic

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