Archive | May, 2011

Calling All Scientists!

Hello, my name is Eric.  My research question is “Does microgravity effect fish reproduction?” I am planning to send guppy eggs and sperm to space, to measure the effect of weightlessness on fertilization. My question for a scientist:  How do … Continue reading →

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Impact on SSEP Experiments and Submission of New Samples, Due to NASA Announcement of New No-Earlier-Than May 10 Launch

We provided a schedule for 9 student teams to re-submit fresh experiment samples based on a no-earlier-than May 8 launch date in a SSEP National Blog Post dated May 1, 2011. It required arrival of samples at the payload processing lab no later than Thursday morning, May 5. In light of NASA’s announcement yesterday (May […]

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All 16 SSEP Experiments to be Reloaded in Mini-Lab in Prep for May 8 Endeavour Launch: Up to 9 Student Teams Re-submitting Experiment Samples

NCESSE received a de-brief this evening from NanoRacks and ITA regarding the plan for moving forward with payload flight readiness. We are now proceeding under the assumption of a May 8 launch. The MDA mini-laboratory will be flushed of all existing experiment samples and sterilized on Monday May 2. The reload of experiment samples will […]

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Endeavour Not Launching on Monday, May 2, Astronauts Heading Back to Houston

SSEP Experiment Status: We have reposted NASA’s Sunday, May 1, 10:01 am EDT,  update below, as it appeared at We will provide status reports on NanoRacks and ITA payload processing of the SSEP experiments on this SSEP National Blog. Teacher facilitators for all student experiment teams need to be reachable  as we proceed through […]

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The Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) is a program of the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE) in the U.S., and the Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Space Education internationally. It is enabled through a strategic partnership with DreamUp PBC and NanoRacks LLC, which are working with NASA under a Space Act Agreement as part of the utilization of the International Space Station as a National Laboratory. SSEP is the first pre-college STEM education program that is both a U.S. national initiative and implemented as an on-orbit commercial space venture.