SSEP Community Profiles and Local Partners

A Community that has taken part in one SSEP Flight Opportunity to date: Yellow
A Community that has taken part in more than one SSEP Flight Opportunity to date: Green
View the SSEP Communities on a larger map

Note: One Mission 3 to ISS Community, the Teachers in Space nationally distributed community program, is not shown on the map.


The SSEP Community Network is comprised of the 242 communities that have taken part in the 20 SSEP flight opportunities to date. The communities are shown on the map above. To date, 76 communities have now participated in at least 2 – and as many as 11 – flight opportunities, reflecting the sustainable nature of the program. This reflects a total of 404 SSEP community programs conducted to date across the 242 communities, as shown in the table below.

Mission Number of Participating
Number of Schools Number of Local Partners
1 SSEP on STS-134 16 53 54
2 SSEP on STS-135 11  48 55
3 Mission 1 to ISS 12  92 60
4 Mission 2 to ISS 11  72 72
5 Mission 3 to ISS 17  163 123
6 Mission 4 to ISS 11  112 74
7 Mission 5 to ISS 15  96 103
8 Mission 6 to ISS 18  142 116
9 Mission 7 to ISS 24  179 76
10 Mission 8 to ISS 14  93 46
11 Mission 9 to ISS 21  106 60
12 Mission 10 to ISS 11  45 45
13 Mission 11 to ISS 21  190 70
14 Mission 12 to ISS 31  257 106
15 Mission 13 to ISS 38  544 110
16 Mission 14 to ISS 32  304 99
17 Mission 15 to ISS 5  43 7
18 Mission 16 to ISS 22  287 99
19 Mission 17 to ISS 37  336 140
20 Mission 18 to ISS 37  318 94
Totals 367  3,480 1,609

Each community has its own unique approach to their SSEP community experience. In each community, the leadership defines how SSEP is to address their strategic goals in STEM education, the number of schools and grade levels participating, and the number of students being given the opportunity to not only participate in the Flight Experiment Design Competition (see the Selected Flight Experiments), but also the larger  SSEP Community Engagement Program, which includes, e.g., the Mission Patch Design Competition.

In honor of all the partner institutions that enable SSEP at the community level—over 1,600 (through Mission 18): school districts, private schools, NASA Space Grant lead institutions and other universities, businesses, foundations, private philanthropists, and local research institutions providing science advisors—we present the following Community Profiles and Local Partners pages. A heartfelt thank you and congratulations to all the institutions and individuals that are introducing the frontiers of human exploration—and real science—to grade 5-16 students across America.

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Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 18 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 17 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 16 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 15 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 14 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 13 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 12 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 11 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 10 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 9 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 8 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 7 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 6 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 5 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 4 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 3 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 2 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP Mission 1 to ISS page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP on STS-135 page

Community Profiles and Local Partners: SSEP on STS-134 page

The Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) is a program of the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE) in the U.S., and the Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Space Education internationally. It is enabled through a strategic partnership with DreamUp PBC and NanoRacks LLC, which are working with NASA under a Space Act Agreement as part of the utilization of the International Space Station as a National Laboratory. SSEP is the first pre-college STEM education program that is both a U.S. national initiative and implemented as an on-orbit commercial space venture.