2024 SSEP National Conference – Agenda

Last revised: 6/20/24 at 2:51 PM ET

Note: this page is being updated as information about presentations and presenters becomes available.

The agenda for the 2024 SSEP National Conference is provided below, but first … get into the Conference mood with some NASA Johnson Style.


Monday, July 1, 2024

8:00 am SHARP 
Arrival at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex parking gate – gate opens to parking lot at 8:30 am but we need SSEP delegates at the head of the line

Enter parking lot and park near flagpoles at the entrance of KSCVC

Meet at the flagpoles near the entrance of KSCVC

8:45- 8:55
Tickets to KSCVC distributed to Conference attendees

at the flagpoles, all delegation Points of Contact provide Jeff Goldstein total number of delegates for their community and receive tickets for distribution

Entry into Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex

Conference attendees will be directed into the Conference venue – the Center for Space Education

Morning in The Center for Space Education


Welcome, Introductions and AV Orientation
Jeff Goldstein, NCESSE
Stacy Hamel, NCESSE


Keynote Address
Title: Celebrating the Past, Embracing the Present, and Inspiring the Future:
Human Exploration, the Journey Continues
Dr. Jeff Goldstein, SSEP National Program Director [Bio]
Center Director, National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE)


Oral Presentation Block 1 – Mission 16, Mission 17 and Mission 18
Oral 1: Hillsborough County, Florida [Mission 16, Flight Experiment]
Oral 2: Glendora, California [Mission 17, Flight Experiment]
Oral 3: Ocala, Florida [Mission 17, Flight Experiment]
Oral 4: Burleson, Texas [Mission 17, Flight Experiment]
Oral 5: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada [Mission 18, Semi-Finalist Proposal]




Featured Presentation 1
Title: Overcoming Obstacles and Reaching for the Stars!
Dr. Don Thomas [Bio]
NASA Astronaut, STS-65, 70, 83, 94


Oral Presentation Block 2 – Mission 18
Oral 6: Kingston, Ontario, Canada [Mission 18, Flight Experiment]
Oral 7: Athens, Ohio [Mission 18, Flight Experiment]
Oral 8: Kent, Ohio [Mission 18, Flight Experiment]
Oral 9: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – CCAC [Mission 18, Flight Experiment]
Oral 10: Burleson, Texas [Mission 18, Flight Experiment]




Oral Presentation Block 3 – Mission 18
Oral 11: Houston, Texas [Mission 18, Flight Experiment]
Oral 12: Plano, Texas [Mission 18, Flight Experiment]
Oral 13: San Antonio, Texas [Mission 18, Flight Experiment]
Oral 14: Waxahachie, Texas [Mission 18, Flight Experiment 1]
Oral 15: Waxahachie, Texas [Mission 18, Flight Experiment 2]




Featured Presentation 2
Title: Research in Space to Benefit Humanity
Patrick O’Neill, Public Affairs and Outreach Lead [Bio]
International Space Station National Laboratory


Community Impressions


Conference Wrap-up


Free Time to Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex


Special Meet and Greet with retired Astronaut Dr. Don Thomas
Space Mirror Memorial (located behind the IMAX Theater)

The Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) is a program of the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE) in the U.S., and the Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Space Education internationally. It is enabled through a strategic partnership with DreamUp PBC and NanoRacks LLC, which are working with NASA under a Space Act Agreement as part of the utilization of the International Space Station as a National Laboratory. SSEP is the first pre-college STEM education program that is both a U.S. national initiative and implemented as an on-orbit commercial space venture.