Author Archive | Jeff Goldstein

The Tradition Continues – To the Students, Teachers, and Communities Starting SSEP Mission 10 to ISS, Welcome Aboard America’s Space Program, NASA Johnson Style (with Some One Direction)

  It’s been a space program tradition since Mission 5 to ISS. Whenever we start a new SSEP flight opportunity, it’s time for NASA Johnson Style.  We can’t imagine a better video to get students (and teachers) in the frame of mind to start Mission 10 to ISS. To all Mission 10 Community Program Directors and […]

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SSEP Mission 10 to the International Space Station Has Begun: Welcome Aboard to 4,800 Participating Students Across 12 Communities in the U.S.

The National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE), and its international arm, the Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Space Education, are honored to announce the start of program operations for Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) Mission 10 to the International Space Station (ISS) – the twelfth SSEP flight opportunity since program inception in […]

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With the Return of Three Astronauts from ISS Today, and as a Shout-out to Our Two Canadian Mission 9 to ISS Communities, a Song by Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield (with a little help from David Bowie)

8:40 am ET, December 11, 2015 We started a tradition. At the beginning of each new SSEP flight opportunity, we now post on this blog the NASA Johnson Style video. It’s a way to get thousands of new student microgravity researchers and their communities into the spirit of this program. (Sound familiar Mission 9?) But […]

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NCESSE and Clarke Institute Honored to also Provide Certificates of Accomplishment to Mission 9 Teachers, Local Partner Orgs, and Individuals

The Student Spaceflight Experiments Program would not be possible without the passion and unwavering dedication to our children of all the teachers and administrators in the SSEP communities, the Local Partner Organizations that embrace the spirit of community and the importance of education, and the individuals that step to the plate as quiet heroes serving […]

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With SSEP Mission 9 to ISS Flight Experiment Selection Approaching, NCESSE Honored to Provide Student Certificates of Accomplishment to Communities

The goal of the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) is to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers, and engage entire communities in the process. In this vein, we believe that it is vitally important that the thousands of students participating in SSEP Mission 9 to ISS have a lasting recognition of their involvement in […]

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As Seen from ISS: Hurricane Patricia – “Strongest Hurricane on Record” Approaching Mexico

Space Station Commander Scott Kelly posted this photo on Twitter at 3:37 pm ET today. Hurricane Patricia has become one of the strongest storms ever measured on Earth, comparable to Super Typhoon Haiyan, also photographed from ISS on November 9, 2013. With maximum sustained winds of 190 mph (down from 200 mph earlier in the day), […]

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As Seen from ISS: Hurricane Patricia – “Strongest Hurricane on Record” Approaching Mexico

Space Station Commander Scott Kelly posted this photo on Twitter at 3:37 pm ET today. Hurricane Patricia has become one of the strongest storms ever measured on Earth, comparable to Super Typhoon Haiyan, also photographed from ISS on November 9, 2013. With maximum sustained winds of 190 mph (down from 200 mph earlier in the day), […]

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The Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) is a program of the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE) in the U.S., and the Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Space Education internationally. It is enabled through a strategic partnership with DreamUp PBC and NanoRacks LLC, which are working with NASA under a Space Act Agreement as part of the utilization of the International Space Station as a National Laboratory. SSEP is the first pre-college STEM education program that is both a U.S. national initiative and implemented as an on-orbit commercial space venture.