Mission 13 is Community’s First SSEP Flight Opportunity: Yellow
Mission 13 is Community’s at Least Second SSEP Flight Opportunity: Green
View SSEP Mission 13 to ISS Communities on a larger map
SSEP Mission 13 to ISS
Experiment Design Competition and Selection of Flight Experiments: Fall 2018
Flight to ISS: projected launch Spring/Summer 2019, on Space-X-18 (Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft); return to Earth at launch+1 month, on SpaceX-18 (see Flight Profile page)
The 38 communities profiled below are providing the opportunity for thousands of grade 5-16 students to design and propose real microgravity experiments for flight aboard the International Space Station (ISS) as part of SSEP Mission 13 to ISS – the 15th SSEP flight opportunity.
Each community conducts a local Flight Experiment Design Competition with student teams designing microgravity experiments across multiple disciplines. Each team submits a formal research proposal, vying for an experiment slot reserved just for their community in a real research mini-laboratory scheduled to fly on the International Space Station. The Mission 13 to ISS community leadership project that across the network of 38 communities a minimum of 22,500 students will be fully engaged in experiment design, and a minimum of 3,700 flight experiment proposals from student teams will be received.
Thousands more grade preK-12 students are being given the opportunity to participate in SSEP Mission 13 to ISS community-wide programming, which includes the design of Mission Patches to fly aboard ISS.
Through community engagement activities, together with microgravity experiment design, a total of 544 schools in 19 States, 2 Canadian Provinces, and Brazil are taking part in Mission 13 to ISS. Edmonton, Alberta, and Qualicum, British Columbia, are the two Canadian communities. The Brazilian Foundation for Support of Physics and Chemistry, based in Sao Paulo, is serving as a national hub to engage multiple communities across Brazil. This Mission 13 effort in Brazil is a testbed for a national model, which could be replicated via future SSEP missions across Latin America.
Mission 13 includes five communities in California and Texas; two in Florida, Michigan and Pennsylvania; and three in Maryland, New Jersey and New York. Three communities are focusing on university undergraduates – Stockton University in Galloway, New Jersey, the University System of Maryland, and the University of Pittsburgh. Mission 13 is the ninth SSEP Mission for Fitchburg, Massachusetts; the sixth mission for both Hillsborough County, Florida, and Knox County, Tennessee; the fifth mission for Kansas City, Missouri/Kansas, Burleson, Texas, and Pharr, Texas; the fourth mission for the University System of Maryland, and Springfield, New Jersey; and the third mission for Traverse City, Michigan, Galloway, New Jersey, and WNY STEM, in Buffalo/Niagara, New York. Mission 13 is also the second flight for 14 other communities.
Mission 13 is made possible in part by a grant from the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) to the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education. CASIS is a National Partner on the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program. For 9 communities, Mission 13 is made possible in part by a grant from Subaru of America, also a National Partner on SSEP. For the 2 Canadian communities, and three communities in the U.S. with connections to Canada, Mission 13 is made possible in part by a grant from Magellan Aerospace, a Canadian National Partner on SSEP.
More generally, Mission 13 to ISS is made possible through the involvement of 110 Local Partner institutions, including school districts, corporate foundations, universities, community foundations, and companies, and which are providing both underwriting and material and human resources. This includes support from 13 NASA Space Grant Consortia at lead universities, including: California Space Grant Consortium at University of California, San Diego; Connecticut Space Grant Consortium at the University of Hartford; Florida Space Grant Consortium at the University of Central Florida; Maryland Space Grant Consortium at Johns Hopkins University; Massachusetts Space Grant Consortium at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Michigan Space Grant Consortium at the University of Michigan; New Jersey Space Grant Consortium at Rutgers University; New York Space Grant Consortium at Cornell University; North Dakota Space Grant Consortium at University of North Dakota; Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium at Pennsylvania State University; Texas Space Grant Consortium at University of Texas at Austin; and West Virginia Space Grant Consortium at West Virginia University.
The level of partnership is remarkable, and speaks to what a team of partners at the local, state, and national levels can do together in STEM education.
Visit the SSEP In the News page and the In Our Own Words page to gain an understanding of program impact over all SSEP missions conducted to date.
Quickly Scroll to Individual Communities
- São Paulo, Brazil
- Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- Qualicum, British Columbia, Canada
- Winfield, Alabama
- Corcoran, California
- La Verne, California
- Moreno Valley, California
- North Hollywood, California
- Riverside, California
- Ashford/Willington, Connecticut
- Hillsborough County, Florida
- Port St. Lucie, Florida
- Berea, Kentucky
- Anne Arundel County, Maryland
- Montgomery County, Maryland
- University System of Maryland, Maryland
- Fitchburg, Massachusetts
- Redford, Michigan
- Traverse City, Michigan
- Kansas City, Missouri/Kansas
- Clark County, Nevada
- Galloway, New Jersey – Stockton University
- Ocean City, New Jersey
- Springfield, New Jersey
- Jefferson County, New York
- Suffolk County, New York
- WNY STEM – Buffalo/Niagara, New York
- Hunter, North Dakota
- Hershey, Pennsylvania
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – University of Pittsburgh
- Knox County, Tennessee
- Burleson, Texas
- Ector County, Texas
- Klein, Texas
- Marfa, Texas
- Pharr, Texas
- Raleigh County, West Virginia
- iForward – Grantsburg, Wisconsin
Noteworthy: this is the second SSEP flight for Brazil
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 170; experiment design and mission patches: Escola Seb Dínatos, Centro de Ensino Médio Integrado À Educação Profissional do Gama, Centro Educacional 104 Recanto da Emas, Cem 111 Recanto da Emas, Cem 01 de São Sebastião, Cepmg Arlindo Costa, Colegio da policia militar Dr Cesar Toledo, Ifgoiano – Campus Avançado Catalão, Ctrl+Play Goiânia, Colégio Marista, Colégio Estadual da Polícia Militar de Goiás Unidade Ayrton Senna, Centro de Ensino de Período Integral (Cepi) João Roberto Moreira, Cepmg – Cabo Pm Edmilson de Souza Lemes, Centro Integrado de Educação Modelo, Cepi Gricon e Silva, Escola Estadual Professora Joelina de Almeida Xavier, Escola Estadual Professor Carlos Henrique Schrader, Escola Gappe, Ceep Profª Maria de Lourdes Widal Roma, Ifmt – Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso – Campus Pontes e Lacerda – Fronteira Oeste, Colégio Regina Coeli, Escola Seb Maceió, Escola Municipal Américo Ferreira dos Santos, Centro Educacional Maria Quitéria, Colégio Estadual Alaor Coutinho, Ifba Campus Paulo Afonso, Colégio Estadual Professor Rômulo Almeida, Colégio Guadalupe, Colégio Estadual Odorico Tavares, Colégio Estadual Helena Matheus, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará-Campus Caucaia, Colégio da Polícia Militar do Ceará General Edgard Facó, Ifce Campus Fortaleza, Colégio Cardeal Arcoverde, Instituto Federal de Pernambuco, Colégio Equipe Recife, Cbv Jaqueira, Colégio Marista São Luís, Colégio Santa Maria, Colégio 17 de Agosto, Instituto Dom Barreto, Ifrn Campus Mossoró, Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte Campus Santa Cruz, Colégio Militar da Polícia Militar – Unidade Petrópolis, Escola Estadual Professora Risalva Freitas do Amaral, Colegio Nabla, Ifes Campus Vitória, Colégio Pitágoras, Colégio Militar de Belo Horizonte, Colégio Salesiano Bh, Escola Estadual Coronel Xavier Chaves, Escola Estadual Coronel Xavier Chaves, Colegio Roberto Carneiro, Escola Educação Criativa, Escola Estadual São José, Escola Estadual Professor Plinio Ribeiro, Escola Estadual Professora Ormy Araújo Amaral, Colégio Arquidiocesano de Ouro Branco, Escola Sesi “Dr. Celso Charuri”, Instituto Federal de Ciências e Tecnologia do Triângulo Amineiro Campus Patrocínio, Colégio Vale do Sapucai, Escola Estadual Professor João Fernandino Junior, Nutec, Escola Estadual Juventino Alves Ferreira, Centro Educacional Pré-Universitario, Centro Educacional Batista, Instituto Marcos Freitas – Duque de Caxias, Instituto Educacional Pastor Pedro Heitor de Faria, Colégio Estadual Dr. Tuffy El Jaick, Dom Pedro I, Carj, Pensi – Unidade: Tijuca 2, Escola Eliezer Steinbarg Max Nordau, Colégio Santo Inácio, Colégio Pedro Ii, Escola Municipal Dom Pedro I, Escola Suíço-Brasiliera, Escola Parque – Gávea, Colégio Salesiano Dom Luiz Lasagna, E.E. Silvio de Almeida, Four C Bilingual Academy, Ee Abílio Manoel, Sesi – Centro Educacional 228, Instituto Educacional Coração de Jesus – Iecj, Colégio Técnico de Campinas – Cotuca – Unicamp, Instituto Educacional Crescer, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, Colégio Sidarta, Emeb Zilda Gomes dos Reis de Almeida, Ministro Francisco de Paula Quintanilha Ribeiro, Emeb Professora Fabiola de Lima Goyano, Escola Stagium, E.M. Inspetor Reinaldo José Santana, Emee Olga Benario Prestes, Emeb Cora Coralina, Em Doutor Mário Santalúcia, Emeb. Dr. José Martins da Silva, E.M. Prof. Francisco Daniel Trivinho, Fundação Educandário Pestalozzi, Etec Doutor Emilio Hernandez, Emeif Professora Aliete Ferreira Goncalves, E.E. Vereador Antônio de Ré, Escola Estadual Asa Branca da Serra, Colegio Atuante, Escola Estadual Doutor Epaminondas Ferreira Lobo, Emeb Professora Nazareth de Siqueira Rangel Barbosa, Colégio Divino Salvador de Itu, E e Álvaro Fraga Moreira, Sesi Centro Educacional 021 – São Camilo, Emef Prof Helena Maria Luiz de Mello, E.E Prof. Amilcare Mattei, Abase – Aliança Brasileira de Assist. Social e Educacional, Etec Sylvio de Mattos Carvalho, Centro de Educação Integral de Matão – Unidades I e Ii, Cempre Benedito Ferreira Lopes, E.M. Lions Clube Ocian, Colégio Joaquim Murtinho/Objetivo, Liceu Jardim, Emeb Professor Salvador Gori, E.E. Maria Iracema Munhoz, Emefm Arquiteto Oscar Niemeyer, Escola de Robótica e Mecatrônica “Prof. Marcelo Salles”, Centro Educacional Sesi 407, Oca dos Curumins, Escola Estadual João Cursino, Alpha Lumen Instituto, Escola Monteiro Lobato, Instituto Federal de São Paulo – Campus São Paulo, Colégio Anglo Morumbi, Escola Bosque, Colégio Ítaca, Colégio Souza Gouveia, Colégio Vértice, E.M.E.F. Desembargador Paulo Colombo Pereira de Queiroz, Colégio Belo Futuro Internacional, Escola Estadual Maestro Fabiano Lozano, Emef Fazenda da Juta, Colégio Regina Mundi, Colégio Objetivo Sorocaba, Ifsp – Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, Colégio Dom Aguirre, E M Dr Getúlio Vargas, Escola Integrada Educativa, Emief Sargento Everton Vendramel de Castro Chagas, Escola Municipal Presidente Tancredo de Almeida Neves, Colégio Estadual do Paraná, Colégio Estadual Desembargador Clotário Portugal, Centro Estadual de Educação Profissional – Pedro Boaretto Neto, Colégio Estadual Gottlieb Mueller, Instituto Federal do Paraná – Campus Jacarezinho, Colégio Estadual Dr. Gabriel Carneiro Martins, Colégio Estadual Professor Meneleu de Almeida Torres, Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental Professor Angelo Chiamolera, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul – Câmpus Caxias do Sul, Colégio Santa Luzia, Colégio Tiradentes da Brigada Militar – Ijuí, Instituto Federal Farroupilha – Campus Júlio de Castilhos, Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio Francisco Argenta, Colégio Estadual Vila Becker, Escola Santa Mônica, Colégio Politécnico da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Escola Estadual Claudio Moreira, E.E.B. Conselheiro Astrogildo Odon Aguiar, Ebm Lore Sita Bollmann, Colégio Exponencial, Colégio Trilíngue Inovação, Emef Jorge da Cunha Carneiro, Eeb Professor Heleodoro Borges, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina- Campus Xanxere
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 2,000 (grades 6-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 200
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades 7-12, SSEP participants), (grades K-12, Brazil-wide)
Partner Institutions
Brazilian Foundation for Support of Physics and Chemistry
Garatea Mission
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Lucas Fonseca
Ivan Lima
Patricia Di Cunto Bracco
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 35; experiment design and mission patches: McKee Elementary School, Mount Royal Elementary School, Rutherford Elementary School, D.S. MacKenzie Junior High School, Highlands Junior High School, Hillcrest Junior High School, Kenilworth Junior High School, A. Blair McPherson School, David Thomas King School, Dr. Margaret Ann Armour School, Elizabeth Finch School, Michael Strembitsky School, Parkview School; experiment design only: Avalon Junior High School, John D. Bracco Junior High School, Westmount Junior High School, Jan Reimer School; mission patches only: Belgravia Elementary School, Dovercourt Elementary School, George P. Nicholson Elementary School, Greenfield Elementary School, James Gibbons Elementary School, Kensington Elementary School, Lee Ridge Elementary School, Lynnwood Elementary School, Steinhauer Elementary School, Virginia Park Elementary School, Westbrook Elementary School, Westglen Elementary School, Rosslyn Junior High School, S. Bruce Smith Junior High School, Tevie Miller Heritage School, Florence Hallock School, Ivor Dent School, McKernan School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 300 (grades 6-9)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 75
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-4), (grades 5-9)
Partner Institutions
Edmonton Public School Board
Magellan Aerospace, SSEP National Partner
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Stacey Mabey
Lindsay Adrian
3. Qualicum, British Columbia, Canada
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 5; experiment design and mission patches: Arrowview Elementary School, École Ballenas Secondary School, École Oceanside Elementary School, Kwalikum Secondary School, Qualicum Beach Elementary School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 300 (grades 5-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 50
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-7), (grades 8-12)
Partner Institutions
Qualicum School District 69
Vancouver Foundation
Magellan Aerospace, SSEP National Partner
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
SSEP Community Program Director
Carl Savage
Noteworthy: this is the second SSEP flight for Winfield City
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 3; experiment design and mission patches: Winfield Middle School, Winfield City High School; mission patches only: Winfield Elementary School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 375 (grades 6-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 75
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades 3-6), (grades 7 and 9-12)
Partner Institutions
Winfield City School System
Winfield Middle School
Winfield City High School
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Director
Freda Curd
Noteworthy: this is the second SSEP flight for Corcoran
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 4; experiment design and mission patches: John Muir Middle School; mission patches only: Bret Harte Elementary School, John C Fremont Elementary School, Mark Twain Elementary School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 750 (grades 6-8)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 125
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-5), (grades 6-8)
Partner Institutions
Corcoran Unified School District
John Muir Middle School
Subaru of America, Inc., SSEP National Partner
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Dave Whitmore
James Jay
Judy Fierro
Noteworthy: this is the second SSEP flight for La Verne
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 1; experiment design and mission patches: Damien High School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 700 (grades 9-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 50
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades 6-8), (grades 9-12)
Partner Institutions
Damien High School
California Space Grant Consortium
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 7 to ISS
(see Mission 7 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Charity Maricic
Angela Curry
Noteworthy: this is the second SSEP flight for Moreno Valley
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 5; experiment design and mission patches: Canyon Springs High School, Mountain View Middle School, Palm Middle School, Valley View High School; mission patches only: Vista Del Lago High School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 600 (grades 6-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 100
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades 6-8), (grades 9-12)
Partner Institutions
Moreno Valley Unified School District
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Director
Emmie Glancy
8. North Hollywood, California
Noteworthy: this is the second SSEP flight for North Hollywood
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 1; experiment design only: Oakwood School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 540 (grades 5-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 90
Partner Institutions
Oakwood School
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 11 to ISS
(see Mission 11 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Director
Phu Tranchi
Noteworthy: this is the second SSEP flight for Riverside
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 44; experiment design and mission patches: Riverside STEM Academy, Mathew Gage Middle School, Central Middle School, Frank Augustus Miller Middle School, Patricia Beatty Elementary School, Benjamin Franklin Elementary School, Castle View Elementary School, Henry W. Longfellow Elementary School, Monroe Elementary School, John F. Kennedy Elementary School, Raincross High School, John W. High School; mission patches only: Adams Elementary School, Alcott Elementary School, Bryant Elementary School, Emerson Elementary School, Fremont Elementary School, Harrison Elementary School, Highgrove Elementary School, Hawthorne Elementary School, Highland Elementary School, Jackson Elementary School, Jefferson Elementary School, Lake Mathews Elementary School, Liberty Elementary School, Madison Elementary School, Magnolia Elementary School, Mt.View Elementary School, Pachaapa Elementary School, Rivera Elementary School, Sunshine Elementary School, Taft Elementary School, Twain Elementary School, Victoria Elementary School, Washington Elementary School, Woodcrest Elementary School, Chemawa Middle School, Earhart Middle School, Sierra Middle School, University Heights Middle School, Arlington High School, Ramona High School, Poly High School, Martin Luther King High School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: TBD (grades TBD)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: TBD
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 6 competitions; (grade 5), (grade 6), (grade 7), (grade 8), (grades 9-10), (grades 11-12)
Partner Institutions
Riverside Unified School District
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Director
Deepika Srivastava
10. Ashford/Willington, Connecticut
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 2; experiment design and mission patches: Ashford School; experiment design only: Hall Memorial School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 358 (grades 5-8)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 72
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (K-4), (grades 5-8)
Partner Institutions
Ashford School District
Willington School District
NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium
Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut
Eversource Energy
The Mobile Animal Clinic of Eastern Connecticut
Whitecraft, LLC
TTM Technologies
Subaru of America, Inc., SSEP National Partner
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Carly Imhoff
Kate Craven
Dory Moore
11. Hillsborough County, Florida
Noteworthy: this is the sixth SSEP flight for Hillsborough County
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 33; experiment design and mission patches: Alexander Elementary School, Benito Middle School, Crestwood Elementary School, Kingswood Elementary School, Limona Elementary School, Lockhart Elementary School, Mann Middle School, Martinez Middle School, Morgan Wood Middle School, Randall Middle School, Turner Bartels K-8 School, Webb Middle School, Young Middle School; mission patches only: Brooker Elementary School, Chiles Elementary School, Clark Elementary School, Davis Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, Farnell Middle School, Gorrie Elementary School, Hugh Schmidt Elementary School, Lowry Elementary School, Mintz Elementary School, Muller Elementary School, Pinecrest Elementary School, Riverview Elementary School, Roland Park Elementary School, Roosevelt Elementary School, Stowers Elementary School, Summerfield Elementary School, Valrico Elementary School, Walden Lake Elementary School, Woodbridge Elementary School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 4,200 (grades 5-8)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 541
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-5), (grades 6-8)
Partner Institutions
Hillsborough County Public Schools
Tampa Bay STEM Network
Suncoast Federal Credit Union
United Skates of America and Affiliated Rinks
Bob Conigliaro and Caspers’ Company
NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 11 to ISS
(see Mission 11 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 9 to ISS
(see Mission 9 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 7 to ISS
(see Mission 7 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 5 to ISS
(see Mission 5 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Director
Mary Vaughn
Noteworthy: this is the second SSEP flight for Port St. Lucie
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 1; experiment design and mission patches: Renaissance Charter School at Tradition
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 460 (grades 5-8)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 75
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grade 5), (grades 6-8)
Partner Institutions
Renaissance Charter School at Tradition
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Amanda Wilson
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 2; experiment design and mission patches: Berea Community Middle and High School; mission patches only: Berea Community Elementary School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 400 (grades 6-11)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 100
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-5), (grades 6-12)
Partner Institutions
Berea Independent School District
Berea College
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Tracy Hodge
Joshua Woodward
14. Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 5; experiment design and mission patches: Central Middle School, Lindale Middle School, Magothy River Middle School, Old Mill Middle School South, Wiley H. Bates Middle School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 1,250 (grade 6)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 150
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 1 competition; (grade 6)
Partner Institutions
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Maryland Space Grant Consortium
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Heather Thompson
Laura Pinto
Valerine Wesner
15. Montgomery County, Maryland
Noteworthy: this is the second SSEP flight for Montgomery County
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 1; experiment design and mission patches: Parkland Magnet Middle School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 300 (grade 7)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 40
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 1 competition; (grades 6-8)
Partner Institutions
Montgomery County Public Schools
Parkland Magnet Middle School for Aerospace Technology
Maryland Space Grant Consortium
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 8 to ISS
(see Mission 8 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Jennifer Wingate
Khanny Yang
16. University System of Maryland, Maryland
Noteworthy: this is the fourth SSEP flight for University System of Maryland
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 2; experiment design only: University of Maryland – College Park, Pace University
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 30 (grades 13-16)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 10
Partner Institutions
University of Maryland College Park
University of Maryland College of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences
University of Maryland Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
University of Maryland Department of Physics
University of Maryland Department of Mathematics
University of Maryland The Fischell Department of Bioengineering
University of Maryland Department of Aerospace Engineering
Maryland Space Grant Consortium
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 11 to ISS
(see Mission 11 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 10 to ISS
(see Mission 10 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments)
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Natasha Ivanina
Daniel Serrano
Noteworthy: this is the ninth SSEP flight for Fitchburg
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 42; experiment design and mission patches: Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School; mission patches only: Applewild School, Ashby Elementary School, Athol Community Elementary School, Athol-Royalston Middle School, Baldwinville Elementary School, Briggs Elementary School, Crocker Elementary School, Davis Hill Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, Elm Street School, Gardner Middle School, Hildreth Elementary School, Holden Christian Academy, Houghton Elementary School, Hubbardston Center School, Longsjo Middle School, Lunenburg Middle High School, Lunenburg Primary School, Mayo Elementary School, McKay Arts Academy, Meetinghouse School, Memorial Middle School, Mountview Middle School, Narragansett Regional Middle School, Overlook Middle School, Petersham Center, Phillipston Memorial Elementary School, Quabbin Regional Middle School, Ralph C. Mahar Regional School Middle school, Reingold Elementary School, Royalston Community School, Ruggles Lane School, South Street Elementary School, Templeton Center Elementary School, The Bromfield School, The Village School, Thomas C. Passios Elementary School, Thomas Prince School, Turkey Hill Elementary School, Waterford Street School, Westminster Elementary School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 500 (grades 9-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 100
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-8), (grades 9-12)
Partner Institutions
Montachusetts Regional Vocational Technical School
Massachusetts Space Grant Consortium
Subaru of America, Inc., SSEP National Partner
Magellan Aerospace, SSEP National Partner
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 11 to ISS
(see Mission 11 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 9 to ISS
(see Mission 9 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 7 to ISS
(see Mission 7 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 5 to ISS
(see Mission 5 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 3 to ISS
(see Mission 3 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 2 to ISS
(see Mission 2 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 1 to ISS
(see Mission 1 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP on STS-135, the final flight of Space Shuttle Atlantis, and of the U.S. Space Shuttle Program
(see STS-135 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patch)
SSEP Community Program Director
Paula deDiego
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 1; experiment design and mission patches: Hilbert Middle School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 300 (grades 6-8)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 130
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades 6, Fall art classes), (grades 6-8, Spring art classes)
Partner Institutions
Hilbert Middle School
Redford Union School District
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Sarena Shivers
Maureen Lemon
Andrew Christopherson
Elizabeth Beattie
Noteworthy: this is the third SSEP flight for Traverse City
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 2; experiment design and mission patches: Traverse City West Senior High School; mission patches only: Traverse City West Middle School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 850 (grades 9-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 175
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades 6-8), (grades 9-12)
Partner Institutions
Traverse City Area Public Schools
Traverse City West Senior High School
Resort District Dental Society
Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation
DTE Energy
Michigan Space Grant Consortium
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 9 to ISS
(see Mission 9 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 3 to ISS
(see Mission 3 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Director
Patrick Gillespie
20. Kansas City, Missouri/Kansas
Noteworthy: this is the fifth SSEP flight for Kansas City
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 9; experiment design and mission patches: Argentine Middle School, Arrowhead Middle School, Central Middle School, Coronado Middle School, Eisenhower Middle School, Northwest Middle Schoool, Rosedale Middle School, Sumner Academy Middle School, West Middle School; mission patches only: Kansas EnVision Center
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 450 (grades 5-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 90
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades 7-8), (grades 5-11, Kansas EnVision Center)
Partner Institutions
aSTEAM Village
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 8 to ISS
(see Mission 8 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 7 to ISS
(see Mission 7 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 6 to ISS
(see Mission 6 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 5 to ISS
(see Mission 5 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Director
William Wells
Noteworthy: this is the second SSEP flight for Clark County
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 7; experiment design and mission patches: Doris French Elementary School, J. Marlon Walker Elementary School; experiment design only: Bill Y. Tomiyasu Elementary School, Barbara and Hank Greenspun Junior High School; mission patches only: Estes McDoniel Elementary School, Del Sol High School, Green Valley High School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 495 (grades 5-8)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 100
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-4), (grades 5-12)
Partner Institutions
Clark County School District
Doris French Elementary School
University of Nevada, Las Vegas Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering
Robin Toles
University of Nevada, Las Vegas Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development
University of Nevada, Reno Research and Innovation
Arcata Associates, Inc.
Desert Research Institute
The Joan and Laurence Davis Family Foundation
Subaru of America, Inc., SSEP National Partner
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 10 to ISS
(see Mission 10 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Tammy R. Villarreal-Crabb
Marie Celia Roberts
22. Galloway, New Jersey – Stockton University
Noteworthy: this is the third SSEP flight for Galloway
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 19; experiment design and mission patches: Stockton University; mission patches only: Alder Ave Middle School, Atlantic County Institute of Technology, Avalon Elementary School, Brigantine North Middle School, Cedar Creek High School, Dawes Avenue Elementary School, Eagleswood Township Elementary School, Eugene A. Tighe Middle School, Manalapan High School, Nellie F. Bennett Elementary School, Northfield Community School, Pineland Regional Junior High School, Point Pleasant Beach High School, Port Republic School, Roland Rogers Elementary School, Southern Regional Middle School, Toms River Intermediate North, William Davies Middle School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 30 (grades 13-16)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 10
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-8), (grades 9-16)
Partner Institutions
Stockton University
New Jersey Space Grant Consortium
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 11 to ISS
(see Mission 11 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Director
Peter Straub
Noteworthy: this is the second SSEP flight for Ocean City
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 3; experiment design and mission patches: Ocean City Intermediate School; experiment design only: Ocean City High School; mission patches only: Ocean City Primary School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 300 (grades 7-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 25
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-3), (grades 4-8)
Partner Institutions
Ocean City Public School System
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 6 to ISS
(see Mission 6 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Lauren Gunther
Daniel Weaver
David Uhrich
Noteworthy: this is the fourth SSEP flight for Springfield
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 5; experiment design and mission patches: Jonathan Dayton High School, Florence M. Gaudineer Middle School, James Caldwell Elementary School, Thelma L. Sandmeier Elementary School; mission patches only: Edward V. Walton Early Childhood Center
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 1,295 (grades 5-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 200
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-5), (grades 6-12)
Partner Institutions
Springfield Public Schools
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 11 to ISS
(see Mission 11 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 9 to ISS
(see Mission 9 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Director
Gregory Salmon
25. Jefferson County, New York
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 11; experiment design and mission patches: Belleville Henderson Central School, Copenhagen Central School, LaFargeville Central School, Beaver River Central School, Indian River Intermediate School, Indian River High School, H.T. Wiley Intermediate School, Case Middle School, Watertown High School, Immaculate Heart Central High School, 4-H Traditional Clubs
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 300 (grades 5-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 50
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-6), (grades 7-12)
Partner Institutions
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Jefferson County
4-H Afterschool and Traditional Club Programs
NASA New York Space Grant Consortium
Subaru of America, Inc., SSEP National Partner
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
SSEP Community Program Director
Mitch McCormick
Noteworthy: this is the second SSEP flight for Suffolk County
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 4; experiment design and mission patches: Maplewood Intermediate School, Birchwood Intermediate School, Silas Wood 6th grade Center, Stimson Middle School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 300 (grades 5-11)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 70
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 1 competition; (grades 3-8)
Partner Institutions
South Huntington School District
Cradle of Aviation Museum
Subaru of America, Inc., SSEP National Partner
Magellan Aerospace, SSEP National Partner
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 8 to ISS
(see Mission 8 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Director
Marijean Scardapane
27. WNY STEM – Buffalo/Niagara, New York
Noteworthy: this is the third SSEP flight for WNY STEM
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 14; experiment design and mission patches: Futures Preparatory School, Research Laboratory Program for Bioinformatics and Life Sciences at Bennett High School, Hamlin Park Claude and Ouida Clapp Academy, Harvey Austin School, International Preparatory School, Dr. Lydia T. Wright School of Excellence, Buffalo Academy of Science Charter School, Global Concepts Charter School, Olean High School, Lockport High School, Wellsville Secondary School, Depew Middle School, Depew High School, Salamanca High School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 440 (grades 5-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 104
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 4 competitions; (grades K-4), (grades 5-12), (grades K-4, Hands Across the Border), (grades 5-12, Hands Across the Border)
Partner Institutions
NASA New York Space Grant Consortium
Magellan Aerospace, SSEP National Partner
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 9 to ISS
(see Mission 9 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Michelle Kavanaugh
Margy Jones-Carey
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 1; experiment design only: Northern Cass Public School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 60 (grades 6-11)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 20
Partner Institutions
Northern Cass School District
General Equipment and Supplies, Inc.
Asplin, Inc.
North Dakota Space Grant Consortium
North Dakota Aeronautics Commission
North Dakota Community Foundation
Northern Cass School District Fundraising Committee
Northern Cass School District Booster Club
Bergum Foundation
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
SSEP Community Program Director
Laurie Salander
29. Hershey, Pennsylvania – Milton Hershey School
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 1; experiment design and mission patches: Milton Hershey School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 200 (grades 9-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 40
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-2), (grades 3-4)
Partner Institutions
Milton Hershey School
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
SSEP Community Program Director
Jaunine Fouche
30. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – University of Pittsburgh
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 1; experiment design and mission patches: University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 30 (grades 13-16)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 10
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 1 competition; (grades 13-16)
Partner Institutions
University of Pittsburgh, School of Pharmacy
Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
John Donehoo
Ravi Patel
Cam Karnick
Noteworthy: this is the sixth SSEP flight for Knox County
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 22; experiment design and mission patches: Bearden High School, Beaumont Magnet Academy, Bluegrass Elementary School, Brickey-McCloud Elementary School, Carter Middle School, Career Magnet Academy, East Knox Elementary School, Farragut High School, Farragut Middle School, Gibbs Middle School, Green Magnet Academy, Gresham Middle School, Halls Middle School, Hardin Valley Elementary School, Karns Elementary School, Northwest Middle School, Shannondale Elementary School, Vine Middle Magnet School, West Hills Elementary; mission patches only: Whittle Springs Middle School, Fulton High School, Cedar Bluff Elementary School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 100 (grades 5-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 25
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-5), (grades 6-12)
Partner Institutions
Knox County Public School System
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 11 to ISS
(see Mission 11 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 9 to ISS
(see Mission 9 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 7 to ISS
(see Mission 7 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments)
Mission 6 to ISS
(see Mission 6 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments)
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Andrea Berry
April Lamb
Noteworthy: this is the fifth SSEP flight for Burleson
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 10; experiment design and mission patches: Hughes Middle School, Kerr Middle School, REALM Middle School, STEAM Middle School, STEAM Academy at Stribling Elementary School; mission patches only: Academy at Nola Dunn Elementary, Academy Leadership and Technology at Mound Elementary, Clinkscale Elementary, Hajek Elementary School, Taylor Elementary School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 985 (grades 5-6)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 250
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-5), (grades 6-12)
Partner Institutions
Burleson Independent School District
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 11 to ISS
(see Mission 11 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 9 to ISS
(see Mission 9 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 7 to ISS
(see Mission 7 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Dr. Leslie K. Bender Jutzi
Stacy Hughes
Seth Hickman
Noteworthy: this is the second SSEP flight for Ector County
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 17; experiment design and mission patches: Nimitz Middle School, Bonham Middle School, Wilson and Young Middle School, Falcon Early College High School; experiment design only: Permian High School, Odessa Career and Technical Early College High School; mission patches only: Burleson Elementary School, Noel Elementary School, Milam Elementary School, Austin Montessori School, Goliad Elementary School, Pease Elementary School, Johnson Elementary School, Crockett Middle School, Gonzales Elementary School, Hays STEAM Academy, George H.W. Bush New Tech Odessa
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 300 (grades 6-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 50
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-5), (grades 6-12)
Partner Institutions
Ector County Independent School District
Texas Space Grant Consortium
Subaru of America, Inc., SSEP National Partner
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Jason Osborne
Gabriela Granado
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 47; experiment design and mission patches: Klein High School, Klein Cain High School, Klein Forest High School, Klein Collins High School, Klein Oak High School, Vistas High School, Doerre Intermediate School, Hildebrandt Intermediate School, Hofius Intermediate School, Kleb Intermediate School, Klein Intermediate School, Krimmel Intermediate School, Schindewolf Intermediate School, Strack Intermediate School, Ulrich Intermediate School, Wunderlich Intermediate School, Benfer Elementary School, Benignus Elementary School, Bernshausen Elementary School, Blackshear Elementary School, Brill Elementary School, Erhardt Elementary School, Eiland Elementary School, Epps Island Elementary School, Frank Elementary School, French Elementary School, Greenwood Forest Elementary School, Hassler Elementary School, Haude Elementary School, Kaiser Elementary School, Klenk Elementary School, Kohrville Elementary School, Krahn Elementary School, Kreinhop Elementary School, Kuehnle Elementary School, Lemm Elementary School, Mahaffey Elementary School, McDougle Elementary School, Metzler Elementary School, Mittelstaedt Elementary School, Mueller Elementary School, Nitsch Elementary School, Northampton Elementary School, Roth Elementary School, Schultz Elementary School, Theiss Elementary School, Zwink Elementary School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 350 (grades 5-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 75
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-5), (grades 6-12)
Partner Institutions
Klein Independent School District
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Beth Gilleland
Michelle Thompson
Kathleen Plott
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 2; experiment design and mission patches: Marfa Junior/Senior High School, Marfa Elementary School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 210 (grades 4-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 46
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-6), (grades 7-12)
Partner Institutions
Marfa Independent School District
Texas Space Grant Consortium
Subaru of America, Inc., SSEP National Partner
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
John Sherrill
Amy White
Noteworthy: this is the fifth SSEP flight for Pharr
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 7; experiment design and mission patches: PSJA Thomas Jefferson T-STEM ECHS; mission patches only: Edith & John Carman Elementary School, John Doedyns Elementary School, Aida C. Escobar Elementary School, Sgt. Leonel Trevino Elementary School, Liberty Middle School, Kennedy Middle School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 300 (grades 9-11)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 60
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 2 competitions; (grades K-5), (grades 6-12)
Partner Institutions
Thomas Jefferson T-STEM Early College High School
Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 11 to ISS
(see Mission 11 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 7 to ISS
(see Mission 7 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
Mission 4 to ISS
(see Mission 4 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Marisela Zepeda
Cynthia Salazar
37. Raleigh County, West Virginia
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 1; experiment design only: Shady Spring High School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 400 (grades 9-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 90
Partner Institutions
Raleigh County Schools
Shady Spring High School
Beckley Area Foundation
L.A. Gates Company
Society of Satellite Professionals International – Mid-Atlantic Chapter
Alliance Consulting, Inc.
NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium
Carter Family Foundation
Vecellio Family Foundation
Subaru of America, Inc., SSEP National Partner
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Elizabeth Hegele
James Phares
38. iForward – Grantsburg, Wisconsin
Noteworthy: this is the second SSEP flight for iForward-Grantsburg
Program Scope
Number of participating schools: 4; experiment design and mission patches: iForward Online Public Charter School, Grantsburg Middle School, Grantsburg High School; mission patches only: Grantsburg Elementary School
Experiment Design Competition
Expected Minimum Number of Students Fully Engaged in Experiment Design: 300 (grades 6-12)
Expected Minimum Number of Student Team Proposals: 50
SSEP Community-wide Engagement Program
Mission Patch Art and Design Competition(s): 1 competitions; (grades 1-8), (grades 9-12)
Partner Institutions
Grantsburg School District
Carthage College
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
SSEP Mission Participation
Mission 13 to ISS
Mission 12 to ISS
(see Mission 12 community profile, flight and honorable mention experiments, and flight mission patches)
SSEP Community Program Co-Directors
Billy Beesley
Constance Quade