Author Archive | Jeff Goldstein

CASIS and NASA Showcase 3 SSEP Experiments on Cygnus – the First CASIS-Funded Payload to Berth at ISS

The Press Release below is reprinted from the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS). See the original Release at the CASIS website. NASA’s International Space Station website has also run a featured article based on the press release. Read at NASA: Student Experiments Take Flight on Cygnus Cargo Craft   MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, […]

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BREAKING: Cygnus Spacecraft Captured at ISS, Set to Berth at 9:15 am ET Today – SSEP Falcon 1 Flight Teams Begin Ground Operations Tomorrow

UPDATE 9:25 am ET: The NASA press conference that was scheduled for 1:00 pm ET today has now been moved up to 11:38 am ET Capture of the Cygnus spacecraft by the International Space Station remote arm occurred at 7:00 am ET today. The spacecraft is set to berth with Station at 9:15 am ET […]

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Cygnus Spacecraft Aborts Capture at ISS – Rescheduled for Tuesday, September 24

A software problem was identified this morning at approximately 1:30 am EDT when Cygnus established direct contact with the International Space Station. Orbital Sciences has identified the problem and is working on a fix. Due to the relative orbits of Cygnus and ISS, the next alignment for capture is in 2 days on Tuesday, September […]

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THE SOLUTION to the Student Challenge: Understanding Weightlessness – You Want Me to Take a Bathroom Scale Where?

Ok, I know you’ve been perplexed, and hanging out on the edge of your seat for the last week. And to all the students, particularly in North Attleborough, Massachusetts, that left comments, hey they were really great guesses! You’ve been patiently waiting for me to read my bathroom scale on top of my 260 mile […]

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SSEP Mission 3 Falcon I Payload of Experiments Now En Route to ISS Aboard Cygnus Vehicle

At 10:58 am ET yesterday we watched the successful launch of Orb-D1 from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (MARS), Wallops Island, Virginia. SSEP delegations from Russell County, Virginia; Howard County, Maryland; San Marino, California; and NCESSE were on hand. Aboard the Cygnus spacecraft is the Falcon I payload of student experiments for SSEP Mission 3 to […]

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7 SSEP Experiments and All Mission 3 Mission Patches Aboard Antares Rocket – The Flight of the SSEP Falcon I Payload, Wednesday, September 18, 2013,10:50 am EDT

As this post is being published, we are now at T minus 1 Day, 2 Hours, 10 minutes from liftoff. The Mission 3 to ISS clock at right is ticking down to the currently scheduled launch of the Orbital Sciences Antares rocket on Wednesday, September 18 (see the NASA Consolidate Launch Schedule) – the mission: Orb-D1 (Orbital […]

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7 SSEP Experiments and All Mission 3 Mission Patches Aboard Antares Rocket – The Flight of the SSEP Falcon I Payload, Wednesday, September 18, 2013,10:50 am EDT

As this post is being published, we are now at T minus 1 Day, 2 Hours, 10 minutes from liftoff. The Mission 3 to ISS clock at right is ticking down to the currently scheduled launch of the Orbital Sciences Antares rocket on Wednesday, September 18 (see the NASA Consolidate Launch Schedule) – the mission: Orb-D1. Antares […]

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For Mission 5 Student Researchers – A Challenge: Understanding Weightlessness – You Want Me to Take a Bathroom Scale Where?

I’ve heard a lot about this weightlessness stuff, with astronauts having a great time floating around. So I wanted to find out first hand what’s going on up there. Since they don’t have a spare seat on the next flight to low Earth orbit (at least not yet), I looked far and wide to find […]

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The Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) is a program of the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE) in the U.S., and the Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Space Education internationally. It is enabled through a strategic partnership with DreamUp PBC and NanoRacks LLC, which are working with NASA under a Space Act Agreement as part of the utilization of the International Space Station as a National Laboratory. SSEP is the first pre-college STEM education program that is both a U.S. national initiative and implemented as an on-orbit commercial space venture.