The SSEP Step 2 Review Panel completed its work late afternoon, Tuesday November 23, 2010. We are extremely excited to say that sixteen proposals were tentatively selected for flight on STS-134, one for each of the communities participating in the Student Spaceflight Experiment Program (SSEP). Experiments selected for flight now move to the next phase, […]
Tag Archives | SSEP
All SSEP Finalist Proposals Received and Off to SSEP National Step 2 Review Panel
We are happy to report that finalist proposals from all 16 SSEP participating communities have been received and accepted by Dr. Harri Vanhala, SSEP National Program Manger, and as of 12:00 noon ET today, have been forwarded to the SSEP National Step 2 Review Panel. On Monday and Tuesday November 22 and 23, 2010, the […]
Possible SSEP Debriefing and Strategic Planning Meeting at the NSTA Conference in Kansas City, October 28-29, 2010
SSEP Program Director, and Center Director for the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE), Jeff Goldstein will be attending the National Science Teachers Association Conference in Kansas City October 28-29, 2010. He is delivering the conference keynote address, titled Science Education: Conceptual Understanding at an Emotional Level. While in Kansas City, Jeff […]
Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) Launched
This is the first post for the SSEP Blog. The SSEP Team will be using the Blog to provide ongoing updates for the SSEP program, and identifying any changes to this website’s pages. We encourage all organizations and individuals interested in the SSEP to Subscribe to the Blog on the SSEP Home Page for email […]