The National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE) is proud to announce the 11 communities across America that have come aboard SSEP Mission 2 to the International Space Station (ISS). Mission 2 provides for a microgravity experiment design competition in Winter/Spring 2012, and the flight of Antares—the Mission 2 experiments payload—to ISS in […]
Tag Archives | SSEP
Student Mission Patches Selected to Accompany Aquarius – the SSEP Mission 1 Experiments Payload to the International Space Station
The Student Spaceflight Experiments Program is about inspiring America’s next generation of scientists and engineers, and engaging entire communities in the process. Student teams proposing real experiments to fly on the International Space Station is the core SSEP activity. But community-wide engagement, and cross-disciplinary learning are also cornerstone objectives for SSEP in the context of […]
SSEP Co- PI Kyra Smith and Community Program Co-Director Anthonette Pena Represent SSEP at the White House
The National Center for Earth and Space Science Education and NanoRacks are proud to announce that SSEP Mission 1 Flight Experiment Co-Principal Investigator Kyra Smith, an 8th grade student at Stuart-Hobson Middle School in Washington, DC, and SSEP Community Program Co-Director Anthonette Peña had the honor earlier today of representing the Student Spaceflight Experiment Program […]
An Invitation to the Parents of All Students that Have Participated in SSEP to Date – Help Us Inspire and Engage the Next Generation
A request to all SSEP Community Program Directors and teachers subscribed to this Blog: We would be grateful if you could disseminate this blog post to parents across your community. To assist you, we have created a PDF version of this post that can be printed and sent home. DOWNLOAD PDF You can also send a […]
Student Spaceflight Experiments Program Inspires With Mission 1
To all students that are participating in SSEP Mission 1 to ISS, and participated in SSEP on Shuttles Endeavour and Atlantis, I think this post might help reaffirm the notion that you were called upon to be scientists and stepped to the plate in amazing ways. The Student Spaceflight Experiments Program has been honored for […]
Grade 5-14 Student Researcher Microgravity Experiments Selected to Fly in March 2012 to the International Space Station
Private Sector STEM Education Effort Offers Real On-Orbit Research Opportunity for Students For Immediate Release January 5, 2012 Program Description Video Clip The National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE) in partnership with NanoRacks, LLC, announces the selection of 15 microgravity experiments to fly to the International Space Station (ISS) aboard Soyuz […]
Announcing Communities Participating in SSEP Mission 1 to ISS, and NEW Flight Opportunity, Mission 2 to ISS
Download a PDF of this Press Release After reading this Press Release, be sure to read the New SSEP Homepage Subscribe to receive email updates on the SSEP using the Subscribe Box at the bottom of the right column. 92 Schools in 12 U.S. Communities Participating in Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) Mission 1 to […]
NEW OPPORTUNITY: How to Participate in SSEP on the FINAL FLIGHT OF THE U.S. SPACE SHUTTLE PROGRAM, Shuttle Atlantis (STS-135)
The National Center for Earth and Space Science Education ANNOUNCES AN IMMEDIATE AND HISTORIC OPPORTUNITY for school districts across the U.S. and Canada (grades 5-12), and for community colleges across the U.S., to come aboard the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) for STS-135, the proposed final flight of Shuttle Atlantis—and the final flight of the […]
SSEP Step 2 National Review Board Comments Being Sent to Communities 1 Week Early, Allowing Student Teams to De-Brief Before Holidays
The National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE; is today sending the formal Step 2 Review Board comments back to the student teams for the 43 finalist proposals reviewed. NCESSE has worked to get the comments back a week in advance of the scheduled December 15 deadline so that proposing teams, lead […]
SSEP is Proud to Announce the Student Proposals Selected for Spaceflight on STS-134
We believe that learners must see themselves in the stories we tell, and experience scientific exploration through their own involvement. We also believe that it takes a community to educate a child… and a network of communities to reach a generation. From: Jeff Goldstein, SSEP National Program Director Center Director, National Center for Earth and […]